Saturday, May 28, 2011

Genogram Project Reflection

The genogram project was an exercise in self-discovery for me.  To see the career choices of my family members on paper was very enlightening. I have always recognized that families mold individuals through values and attitudes. Through this assignment, I realized just how influential one's family can be on their interests and professional pursuits.

One thing that really struck me was the influence my grandparents had on the career choices of their children. On my father's side of the family, every male has pursued a career in or related to agriculture. Until this assignment, I never really connected the choices my uncles and male cousins made in choosing farming as a career to the influence of previous generations. On my mother's side of the family, my grandfather was a farmer as well. He later left farming to become a truck driver. My uncle also chose to become a farmer, and later, to become a truck driver. Clearly, the pursuits of our parents impact our own career choices!

On both sides of my family, my grandmothers and aunts have chosen to become homemakers and focus their work on caring for and rearing their children. Both of my sisters have chosen this path as well. Clearly, there are gender-related patterns on both sides of my family. After their children were grown, many of my aunts and my mother chose to work outside of the home, and they have all excelled in their chosen fields.

Regardless of the gender patterns, both sides of my family have always emphasized the importance of hard work, taking pride in what one does, caring about others, and finding happiness in your chosen profession. Although I have chosen to be an exception to the traditional choice of being a homemaker, I have been influenced by these values in my chosen profession. I believe that my decision to become an educator resulted in part from the inherited desire to positively impact others. In addition, I believe that I was influenced by the great respect for educators and learning that was always exhibited by my family members.

Finally, I believe these same values have influenced my desire to become a school counselor. Also, I think that the courage to try something new is inherited from my parents. After farming for about 35 years, my father had the courage to change his path. He is now an insurance agent, and he loves working with and helping people. Similarly, after almost 30 years as a homemaker, my mother bought and ran her own business successfully. Eventually she sold her business and now works in a bank. I have always respected my parents for showing me that it is never too late to try something new! I believe that through their example, they instilled the confidence in me to pursue my goal of becoming a school counselor. 

To view my genogram, click on the following link:  My Genogram

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Getting Started

Wow!  I was really nervous that building my blog would be difficult, but I was wrong!  It was incredibly easy, even for someone who is not always tech savvy like myself!  I look forward to communicating with all of you regarding this journey towards becoming a school counselor through this forum.  Have a wonderful day!